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9/19/22 Rep council Minutes

Writer: Erinn WashburnErinn Washburn

RCTA Representative Council Meeting Agenda

Redwood City Teachers’ Association Mission Statement: The Redwood City Teachers Association exists to promote and protect the professional health and longevity of its members. It is dedicated to the pursuit and support of excellent teaching, equity, collective bargaining, and fair working conditions. We are devoted to the education of the children, their families, and the community of Redwood City.

Monday, September 19th, 2022 3:45-5:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID:

1. Call meeting to order at: 3:45

2. Land Acknowledgement: We are doing this work on the unceded land of the Ohlone Nations.

3. (Need a motion) Approval of the agenda (with flexibility for special presentation by Kathleen Beebe). Sigrid McCarthy motioned to approved; second by Kevin Sugar

4. (Need a motion) Elect Site Reps

5. Roll call and check in- Elected Site Representatives

Adelante Selby: Yesenia Bravo, Rita Melton

CDC: Ivonne Castillo

Clifford: Larry Goity

Garfield: Anastacia Stamates,` Chris Taylor

Henry Ford: Sandra Covacha, Angie Teupel

Hoover: Kevin Sugar

Kennedy: Endre Balogh, Cindy Meek

MIT: Mary Jane Gertz

Northstar: Ariana Baltay, Jacob Havey

Orion: Jackie Kroner

Roosevelt: Eryn Heon, Chris Holm, Sharon Tsuchiyama

Roy Cloud: Eve Avalos, Xa Mai

SLP: Megan Klein

Taft: Kerry Benjamin, Sigrid McCarthy

6. Approval of the Minutes

7. Site by Site 1 Minute Share-outs

Adelante Selby Reps: iReady, a lot of SEL, Practice for the Music Man play and SEL lessons; iReady testing

CDC Preschool Reps: still adjusting to working with younger kids, transitional kindergarten

Clifford Reps: Brigance Testing, time, consuming, in the past had subs, no subs this year, takes a long time.

Garfield Reps: New building not done, elevator does not work, rolling chairs, trying for another bond

Henry Ford Reps: Absent

Hoover Reps: A good start. A ton of SEL. Very hot classrooms. MS teachers have to teach their own enrichment and soon ELD as well. A ton of behavior issues in the lower grades. A number of complaints but overall I am keeping it positive.

Kennedy Reps: so far so good at Kennedy. I would love to see more student faces. It seems to me students are still a bit shy. Students and teachers are working together well.

McKinley Reps: Absent

North Star Reps: New counselor - Mr Gary, great for students SEL needs, iReady testing is finishing this week. Math this week, ELA last week for most, PTO is preparing an October festival, kids and teachers are doing well.

Orion Reps: New building opened - beautiful, essentials still need to be completed, believe some classroom phones haven’t been hooked up yet; Celebrating 90th birthday of original building; New 4th/5th English teacher for Mandarin was transferred after 10days. 5th grade teacher reassigned to the position. Ripple effect for the whole 3-5 program. Kids switching classes. 5th grade teacher not keen on moving classrooms/programs.

Roosevelt Reps: Roosevelt has had a big turnover of staff this year (15 teachers). We are also administering the iReady assessments.

Roy Cloud Reps: New principal, ants, iReady, SEL

SLP: k-8 fully staffed; spread thinner than usual because she needs to travel to other sites

Taft Reps: New building opened; 4th and 5th grade upstairs, no bathroom upstairs, rolling chairs, small staff room; no filtered water

8. Committee Reports

Three different budget proposals; need to vote at October RCTA Meeting; Erinn reviewed each buget; Erinn needs to look at stamp cost in Budget

Treasurer's Report: Steve Murray

2021-2022 Budget: Approved 12/6/21

Balance Checking: $42,219.19Balance Savings:$50,384.05

2022-2023 Budget Proposals to be voted on October 3rd.

$180 annual local dues (current amount)

$185 local dues (updated arbitration minimum)

$200 local dues (CTA director’s suggestion)

To be voted on at October rep council meeting

Measure S Endorsement Vote - Alisa MacAvoy Asked RCTA endorsement; NOT READY FOR AN ENDORSEMENT; Erinn will ask Alisa MacAvoy for more information on how the money will be spent.

Organizing Committee:

Social Organizing Committee: Belinda Mendez, Xa Mai

Human Rights and Equity Committee: Erinn Washburn-LGBTQ Chair

Need Ethnic Minorities Issues Chair

Need Women’s Issues Chair Joan Solari

CTA LGBTQ Issues Conference October 28-30th -RCTA will fund part of all of this trip!

Climate Committee: Need members Anastacia Stamates

First meeting is October 17th

Meet with John Baker, Wendy Kelly, and a board member to discuss solutions to district-wide concerns.

Membership Committee: Cindy Meek

Grievance Committee: Michelle Territo

It is very important that you talk to your site administrators about any problems you have at your site. Document these interactions.

Bargaining Team: Brian Cagle, Michelle Territo, Jenn Tanti, Yesenia Bravo, Amy Barstad

Negotiation Survey coming soon.

Special Rep Council Training with Kathleen Beebe 4:30 PM

9. Announcements:

-SPSL has been extended through December 31, 2022. You are entitled to up to 80 hours of covid leave. You must fill out this form to receive it. There is a limit on the amount of money this will pay out, so you may have to use some of your own sick leave.

-Next rep council meeting will be in person. There will be a benefits fair at the Red Morton Community Activities Building with representatives from California Casualty, Provident, and The Standard.

10. Member Concerns:

Meeting adjourned at:

10 minute meeting/Leadership Team To Do’s:

1. Get all members at your site to fill out the RCTA contact Form

2. Find out which budget the members at your site prefer (so you know how to vote next time).

3. October 3-Next rep council meeting will be in person. There will be a benefits fair at the Red Morton Community Activities Building with representatives from California Casualty, Provident, and The Standard.



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